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Sunday, July 10, 2011

Silly Thing called Luck..!

Show me a person who avoids hard work, and I’ll show you someone who hasn’t found their purpose yet.
Glad that I am back to scribble down after a long time, I was desperate to explore and talk about luck, is it just a self fulfilling prophecy or truly an essence to success.
There is an urge in all of us to insist that others are more fortunate than we are. When we face “bad times,” we often comfort ourselves with the idea that we are special in our level of misfortune. To rely on our understanding of luck – to believe that life is a kind of lottery – is just an attempt to escape reality. I believe it’s not a question of luck when we talk of success and failure, in fact when I think of icons like Sachin Tendulkar and Oprah Winfrey it’s their hard work and attitude which reflects on their success and not that silly word.
When you live life for a strong purpose, then hard work isn’t an option it’s a necessity. If your life has no real purpose, then you can avoid working hard and it won’t matter because you’ve decided that your life itself doesn’t matter in anyways so who cares if you work hard or take the easy road? But if you’ve chosen a significant and worthy purpose for your life, it would require hard work to get there. If you avoid working hard, you simply avoid doing what it takes to success and believe me your desire to work and rise in life would melt all the adversities. The choice in life is always yours, whether you want to go with the flow of life and circumstances, act passively, let things happen to you and end up in a pretty screwed up situation, so start accepting and liking where the flow takes you. You would truly be an unlucky guy with mediocre results followed by a great deal of time and efforts spent on giving excuses and justifying results.
I would also say…Yes you are unlucky because you missed the opportunity, as you were too busy in looking for something else.
Yes you are unlucky because you see the rational side of any situation.
Yes you are unlucky because you can not take risks, love the routines and just want to be in the comfortable zone.
Step up and start driving your life, learn to associate the pleasure of success and tremendous growth you would gain with the discomforts you experience, it would become a lot easier for you to endure hardship required. You are the only one to use your abilities, it’s an awesome responsibility. J

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