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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

BPO’s: Crucifying Lifestyle, Discipline & Talents..!

They certainly came up with huge employment opportunities in India, India’s International market good-will raised just like the prices of shares at the time of Harshad Mehta’s scam, reduced gender disparity and above all, they have brought solid financial aid to our economy.
BPO’s are sprung all across the country and have brought various businesses to India. BPO Industry has certainly created a vital place for itself in the mainstream business dealings. The advent of BPO’s in Asian countries especially in India can be marked because of the easy pocket human resource which certainly brings in huge profit margins and the availability of the market.

But I think we have failed to understand the menace which has also increased to a great extent, whole lot of points strike when it comes to the pitfalls of the BPO Industry.
It is very upsetting for us that today’s youth unofficially in the age group of 18-26 are hired by the BPO’s, this is the age group, which is the backbone of any country, getting engaged in BPO’s who only value the communication skills (they are not bothered whether you are just a 10+2 pass out or some Postgraduate) and not the talent.  I think the problem is not only with the nature of the job but with the youth also, they have restricted themselves to the leisure of pick and drop facility, 24 by 7 lively environment, great incentives, exotic food courts and a couple of other options to nibble upon. I do not understand of what they produce, nothing….actually.  They just help a stupid foreigner who doesn’t even know what a Window is, what is an Icon and why did they shop a product; and simply waste their most valuable time over the phone, dealing with rude and rich guys.
I remember one such episode when one of my acquaintances was sharing how he got into the habit of smoking and I was quite astonished by the fact that, he started it when he was working with a leading BPO some time back and started feeling complex and wanted to match the standards of his colleagues who use to smoke and show off that he was not of their standards (that was probably a facade created by them).
It’s ruining them...making them unsocial, unimaginative and unconscious.

I truly believe that the country's prosperity can not be regulated while keeping all the threats like health hazards, IT crimes, accidents, undisciplined lifestyle of youth leading to mental and physical exhaustion, high risk behaviour of employees for money and many other social issues associated with BPO’s at bay.

I accept the fact that the role of BPO industry in India’s economic growth has been fantastic especially during the last few years but we also can not ignore and run away from the fact that we are actually down sizing the talent-pipeline of the country. The question remains pertinent not only for the policy makers and high authority intellectuals but also for the society.

We are slowly and gradually losing the entrepreneurial spirit and this is the right time to drive it again…! :) 


  1. ya swati , although the BPOs are restraining the youth talent of the country but they are also providing job to almost 70-80% people who didnt get any job which in result BPO industry has increased the employment rate of country.
    And the bad habit like smoking come out of depression and it can b unemployment pressure also . So we cant criticize the Bpo industry desperately .. :)

  2. You are so true, we can not ignore the share of BPO industry in the economic growth of the country(which I have clearly mentioned in the post). I am not trying to criticize the industry or anybody else, was just trying to come up with the harsh reality of it at the bay of which we simply can not keep moving on.
