Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll you will start having positive results. – Willi Nelson
You just have to pickup a newspaper to realize that the world is in atrocious state. It is easy to become negative. If I want to become negative I can find out thousands of reasons to be so and if I allow all these factors to influence me, then yes, I feel extremely negative, but do you know that the problem is not actually the world outside or the people you are with. The heaviness of the world has come about because of the accumulation of all our negative thoughts and actions and the only way we can transform and replace it is through the power of positivity.
If we spend a few moments in honest reflection, we would realize that whatever is going inside us is the root of negativity.
First of all, we must try to understand the root because then only we can go a long way to make it correct. We have to be aware of all our thoughts, we must possess the power to filter and step aside all the negative thoughts, this will bring faith and confidence by the fact that we would be aware about ourselves.
Many a times the negativity of people surrounding us affects us a lot and force us to think and even react in the same direction, so we must listen to them as an individual and understand their point of view. If we can make sure that we remain our own master, their negativity will flow over and above us and would not influence us. Think of a Lotus, it is found in dirty stagnant water but it has a waxy substance on its petals which does not allow anything to touch it’s surface; the dirt just rolls off, similarly we can create that layer of protection, so that our inner stability and positivity remains unaffected by outside influences and we can avoid becoming the puppet of circumstances that others have created. We also create negativity around us when we constantly criticize others because we think whatever we are doing, understanding and thinking is all correct and the other person is wrong, one must avoid this state of ego and should learn humility and respect, recognize the value of the individual and acknowledge the goodness in them, we have to understand that they just do things in a different way because they have different taste and preferences, we cannot change them or control them; what we can do is change our attitude and responses. If we react against them, we will not be able to influence them in future because our reactions will set a barrier between us. But we must not allow the negativity to destroy our communication; If I change my attitude in a genuine way - not from diplomacy or artificial courtesy; a good level of communication will arise, and perhaps, at the right time, we can talk about things and a change can take place..
Another aspect of negativity is what one feels about him. I see my weaknesses; I see the difficulties I have; I see the debts I have accumulated and I wonder how I would get out of them. If I lose hope, things will become difficult. Coming into the awareness of this experience one must spend a few moments of introspection in silence each day, detaching ourselves from all the other things so that we can understand and value ourselves. Only in the state where I am generating my own self respect within, I can earn respect from others. This is the way I can change my own negative image about myself.
When we learn to remove negativity, we will be drawn by the beauty that positivity can bring and as slowly and gradually we develop a liking for positivity, we therefore create a greater impact on the atmosphere around us and the people we are with.
Every individual who comes into this awareness of making things positive, of learning to deal with things in a positive way, makes a great difference.
Carry the charisma of positivity with yourself..! J
A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds.Good work Swati!!!!Carry the charisma of positivity with yourself:)
ReplyDeleteGreat yaar.... the article flows into the veins , you made me to see things in different aspects.